Book Science (Buchwissenschaft)

Bachelor of Arts (Major subject)


Contacts at the examination office

Gülperi Yildirim

Send an email

+49 (0)89 / 2180 - 6177

+49 (0)89 / 2180 - 3024

Program coordinator

PD Dr. Johannes Frimmel

Send an email

+49 (0)89 2180-3076

Board of Examiners

Decisions of the examination commitee

Abschaffung der Kennzeichnung „Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung“ in den Bachelorstudiengängen

• Germanistik (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS, Prüfungs- und Studienordnungen 2009 und 2010)

• Skandinavistik (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Deutsch als Fremdsprache (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Slavistik (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Computerlinguistik (B.Sc. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Griechische Philologie (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Latinistik (B.A. Hauptfach mit 120 ECTS)

• Sprache, Literatur, Kultur (B.A. Nebenfach mit 60 ECTS)

Per Eilentscheid vom 08.06.2011 hat der Dekan für die Fakultät Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften gemäß Art. 61 Abs. 3 Satz 2 Nr. 5 entschieden, dass die "GOP"-Kennzeichnung in den jeweiligen Prüfungs- und Studienordnungen der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München für die oben genannten Bachelorstudiengänge zum Sommersemester 2011 abgeschafft wird.

Die bisher mit dem Kennzeichen „GOP“ versehenen Prüfungen werden weiter abgenommen und können „beliebig oft“ wiederholt werden.

Deadlines (current semester)

Deadline overviews are to be found here.

Information on the thesis

The thesis for the degree program Philosophy should be processed in the course of the 6th semester according to attachement 2 of the examination regulations.

Admission requirements

  • Succesful passing of module P 6.

Please take note of the following information:

  • Please contact your supervisor timely before the begin of the processing time. A withdrawal from the thesis topic given is only possible once two weeks after the first day of the processsing time at the latest.
  • The form for thesis regsitration can be downloaded here. Please exclusively use the form intended for your degree program. If there is no specific form for your program, please use the form desgnated as "allgemein".
  • Please fill in your personal data and let your supervisor fill in the thesis' working title.
  • The form will be forwarded to the examanation office either directly by your supervisor, or by your program coordinator. The admission to the thesis will be registered by the responsible clerk within two to three weeks after the begin of the processing time.
  • After the thesis was registered at the examination office, it appears at your LSF Transcript of Records and at the LSF page "List of exams registered for". At this page you can also check the spelling fo your thesis' working title. If anything is wrong, please contact the responsible clerk at the examination office.
  • The begin of the processing time is the first day of the registration period for all students.
  • The processing time is exactly ten weeks.
  • The bachelor thesis should have a length of approx. 75.000 characters.
  • It is not possible to extend the processing time.
  • Please note: The registration form can be submitted at any given day during the registration period. The begin of the processing time is its first day regardless.

The thesis (2 copies) must either be submitted

  • to Gülperi Yildirim in room D 020 (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München) on the day of submission during opening hours, or
  • via the LMU's internal mail box (right next to the main entrance at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, or
  • as a registered postal item (the date of the postmark counts as the date of submission) to
    • Prüfungsamt für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
    • Gülperi Yildirim
    • Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
    • 80539 München

The two printed copies must be accompanied by an identical electronic version (pdf) on a data carrier (CD/USB drive).

When submitting it, you must confirm in writing that you have written your work independently and have not used any other sources or aids.

Examination and Study Regulations (only in German)

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